Of all the choices for auto repair, how do you make one stand out as the clear choice? This project details local marketing for an auto repair facility - we successfully identified a niche market and positioning and were able to almost quadruple revenues...
First, beginning with positioning the operation as specializing in British cars, including classic and vintage cars...
WEB PRESENCE: Click here to visit the site
Website for British Car Specialists - doing frame-up restorations and general maintenance and repair. Through rich content we have this site ranking in top 3 for most key search terms.
Simple business cards are the most common way customers send referrals. We ask them to keep a card in the glovebox... seems to work like magic.
HIGH VALUE RESTORATION PROJECTS We added content for specialist frame-up restoration and found a steady flow of new customers at several multiples of the revenue being sustained by repairs alone. We have customers coming from all over Northern California.
The difference GREAT photography can make to a site.... the BEFORE follows...