Wild Out West: New Venture
Launch of new company, name, brand, website, corporate identity and initial marketing.
THE BRAND: The brand is intended to be at once accessible and strong. The shape of the shield is about insurance and the bow is about giving. Careful color selection is intended to underscore the tech focus of this network and the credibility of its financial services background.
The venture is upending the way that insurance marketing works. A substantial donation to the customer's cause is made in place of advertising - to influence preferences and engage with a new model, which adds great social value in place of moeny that is largely wasted on advertising.

Givesurance is a network of insurance professionals that have pledged to donate 40% of their profits to support the charities that matter to our customers.
Last year insurance companies spent $4 Billion trying to get you to switch. We have a better idea for what to do with the money. We are diverting the funds to support the causes that matter to our customers instead.
After all, its your choice who you are insured by - why not sell that choice for a donation.
Give it a try www.givesureance.co
MAIN SITE - scrolling site

Business Cards and Corporate Identity

DONATE BUTTON -simple button goes on the Charity Partner website - supporters can donate to the cause by clicking the button.

CHARITY PARTNER CAMPAIGN BROCHURE - a mailer and event handout.